Label requests
"topic": "label.request",
"trigger": "label.request.issued",
"id": "5fc3126e-68c5-45f8-81b5-35e3d67027c2",
"return_id": 1001,
"shop_id": 50,
"created_at": "2023-11-07T05:31:56Z",
"addresses": {
"origin": {
"name": "Alice Returns",
"address1": "123 Example Rd",
"company": "Example Co.",
"address2": "Apt A",
"city": "Columbus",
"state": "Ohio",
"zip": "43215",
"country": "United States",
"country_code": "US",
"phone": "12345678901"
"destination": {
"name": "My Domestic Warehouse",
"address1": "123 Commerce St",
"company": "Ecommerce Inc.",
"address2": "Ste 100",
"city": "Columbus",
"state": "Ohio",
"zip": "43215",
"country": "United States",
"country_code": "US",
"phone": "12345678901"
"parcel": {
"height": 5,
"width": 10.9,
"length": 20.2,
"weight": 65.9
"products": [
"name": "Green T-Shirt",
"sku": "tshirt-g-2314-L",
"hs_code": "61051000",
"country_of_origin": "US",
"price": {
"amount": 100,
"currency": "USD"
The webhook topic.
The event that triggered the webhook.
, label.request.cancelled
The Loop label request ID.
The Loop return ID.
The unique identifier of the shop that created the webhook.
The date and time at which the request was created, using the ISO 8601 date format.
The origin and destination addresses of the label.
The address from which the label is being shipped.
The origin address name.
"Alice Returns"
Line 1 of the origin address.
"123 Example Rd"
The origin address company.
"Example Co."
Line 2 of the origin address.
"Apt A"
The origin address city.
The origin address state or province.
The origin address ZIP or postal code.
The origin address country.
"United States"
The origin address ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format country code.
The origin address phone. Numerical characters only.
The address to which the label is being shipped.
The destination address name.
"My Domestic Warehouse"
Line 1 of the destination address.
"123 Commerce St"
The destination address company.
"Ecommerce Inc."
Line 2 of the destination address.
"Ste 100"
The destination address city.
The destination address state or province.
The destination address ZIP or postal code.
The destination address country.
"United States"
The destination address ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format country code.
The destination address phone. Numerical characters only.
Details about the products returned in the parcel.
The product's name.
"Green T-Shirt"
The product's SKU.
The product's HS (Harmonized System) code.
The product's country of origin.
Return a 200 status to indicate that the data was received successfully.
"topic": "label.request",
"trigger": "label.request.issued",
"id": "5fc3126e-68c5-45f8-81b5-35e3d67027c2",
"return_id": 1001,
"shop_id": 50,
"created_at": "2023-11-07T05:31:56Z",
"addresses": {
"origin": {
"name": "Alice Returns",
"address1": "123 Example Rd",
"company": "Example Co.",
"address2": "Apt A",
"city": "Columbus",
"state": "Ohio",
"zip": "43215",
"country": "United States",
"country_code": "US",
"phone": "12345678901"
"destination": {
"name": "My Domestic Warehouse",
"address1": "123 Commerce St",
"company": "Ecommerce Inc.",
"address2": "Ste 100",
"city": "Columbus",
"state": "Ohio",
"zip": "43215",
"country": "United States",
"country_code": "US",
"phone": "12345678901"
"parcel": {
"height": 5,
"width": 10.9,
"length": 20.2,
"weight": 65.9
"products": [
"name": "Green T-Shirt",
"sku": "tshirt-g-2314-L",
"hs_code": "61051000",
"country_of_origin": "US",
"price": {
"amount": 100,
"currency": "USD"