Label Requests Webhook

This endpoint is in active development and may change.

Label Requests Webhook

This notification is sent when the label-request topic is requested. For those who subscribe to this topic for more than one trigger event, the "trigger" property is included in the payload for reference.

Response HeaderDescription
X-Loop-SignatureHashed Webhook Secret Key

The X-Loop-Signature is a base-64, HMAC hash of body payload using the Webhook Secret provided by Loop.

Note: Before attempting to create your hash of the POST request body, make sure slashes have been escaped & newlines have been removed from the JSON.

topicstringThe webhook topic (label.request)
triggerstringThe event that triggered the webhook (created, updated, requested, closed)
shop_idintegerThe unique identifier of the shop that created the webhook
idstringThe Loop label request ID
return_idintegerThe Loop return ID
addresses.origin.namestringThe origin address name
addresses.origin.companystringThe origin address company
addresses.origin.address1stringThe origin address address1
addresses.origin.address2stringThe origin address address2
addresses.origin.citystringThe origin address city
addresses.origin.statestringThe origin address state
addresses.origin.zipstringThe origin address zip
addresses.origin.countrystringThe origin address country
addresses.origin.country_codestringThe origin address country_code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format)
addresses.origin.phonestringThe origin address phone (Numerical characters only)
addresses.destination.namestringThe destination address name
addresses.destination.companystringThe destination address company
addresses.destination.address1stringThe destination address address1
addresses.destination.address2stringThe destination address address2
addresses.destination.citystringThe destination address city
addresses.destination.statestringThe destination address state
addresses.destination.zipstringThe destination address zip
addresses.destination.countrystringThe destination address country
addresses.destination.country_codestringThe destination address country_code
addresses.destination.phonestringThe destination address phone
parcel.heightdoubleThe height of the parcel
parcel.lengthdoubleThe length of the parcel
parcel.widthdoubleThe width of the parcel
parcel.weightdoubleThe weight of the parcel
parcel.line_itemsarrayAn array of line item ids contained int he parcel. The ids should be represented as integers
created_atstringThe Date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the request was created


  "topic": "label.request",
  "trigger": "label.request.created",
  "id": "5fc3126e-68c5-45f8-81b5-35e3d67027c2",
  "addresses": {
    "origin": {
      "name": "Alice Returns",
      "company": "",
      "address1": "123 Example Rd",
      "address2": "Apt A",
      "city": "Columbus",
      "state": "Ohio",
      "zip": "43215",
      "country": "United States",
      "country_code": "US",
      "phone": "12345678901",
    "destination": {
      "name": "My Domestic Warehouse",
      "company": "",
      "address1": "123 Commerce St",
      "address2": "Ste 100",
      "city": "Columbus",
      "state": "Ohio",
      "zip": "43215",
      "country": "United States",
      "country_code": "US",
      "phone": "12345678901",
  "parcel": {
    "height": 5.0,
    "length": 20.2,
    "width": 10.9,
    "weight": 65.9,
    "line_items": [
  "shop_id": 50,
  "return_id": 1001,
  "created_at": "2024-11-05T19:21:29.348Z",