Restocking Webhook

This is sent out when a line item has been restocked in Shopify. This webhook triggers when you have the Restock setting in Loop set to webhooks rather than restocking set to Shopify directly. This setting is found in the general settings page of the Loop Admin.

Response HeaderDescription
X-Loop-SignatureHashed Webhook Secret Key

The X-Loop-Signature is a base-64, HMAC hash of body payload using the Webhook Secret provided by Loop.

Note: Before attempting to create your hash of the POST request body, make sure slashes have been escaped & newlines have been removed from the JSON.

topicWebhook type (return, label, restock)
triggerEvent that triggered the webhook (created, updated, requested, closed)
idLoop return ID
order_idLoop order ID
provider_order_idShopify order ID


array keyShopify Order Line Item ID
location_idShopify Location ID
inventory_item_idShopify Inventory Item ID
available_adjustmentInventory increment amount
variant_idShopify product variant ID


  "topic": "restock",
  "trigger": "restock.requested",
  "id": "12345",
  "order_id": "1234567890",
  "provider_order_id": "1029384756",
  "restock_items": [
      "location_id": "10123456789",
      "inventory_item_id": "10987654321",
      "available_adjustment": "1",
      "inventory_management": "shopify",
      "variant_id": "459875465"