Return Webhook

This notification is sent when the Return topic is requested. For those that subscribe to this topic for more than one trigger event, the "trigger" property is included in the payload for reference.

Response HeaderDescription
X-Loop-SignatureHashed Webhook Secret Key

The X-Loop-Signature is a base-64, HMAC hash of body payload using the Webhook Secret provided by Loop.

Note: Before attempting to create your hash of the POST request body, make sure slashes have been escaped & newlines have been removed from the JSON.


topicWebhook type (return, label, restock)
triggerEvent that triggered the webhook (created, updated, requested, closed)
idLoop return ID
stateLoop return states (state of the return)
Possible values: open, cancelled, closed, expired, needs review.

- "Open" requests have yet to be processed (Loop has not fully processed all the outcomes).
- "Cancelled" refers to any return requests that have been cancelled in Loop admin.  
- "Closed" typically refers to any return request/outcome that has been processed or closed manually. No further action is required for these returns. 
- "Expired" means any return or exchange that has not been sent back, according to the shipping label status provided. Labels must be in a new or pre-transit state for this process to start. All labels expire after 2 days.
- "Needs Review" requests have a block in processing, and Loop cannot proceed with normal processing until the merchant approves. Review requests can also include Out of Stock items or Insufficient Funds.
created_atDate and time (ISO 8601 format) when the return was created in Loop
edited_atDate and time (ISO 8601 format) when the return was last edited inside Loop, and null when the return has not been edited.
order_idLoop order ID
order_nameShopify order name
provider_order_idShopify order ID
order_numberShopify order number
provider_order_numberShopify number
customerEmail address of Shopify customer
customer_detailEmail, first name, middle name, and last name of Shopify customer
addressThe original customer's shipping address or the address that the customer inputs in the case of a gift return
currencyCurrency of the store at the time of the order
return_product_totalValue of returned line items excluding order discounts and taxes
return_discount_totalSum of all discounts on returned items
return_tax_totalValue of order taxes on returned line items
return_totalReturn total after taxes and discounts
return_credit_totalValue of total return credit (product + honored discount + tax)
exchange_product_totalValue of exchange items before discounts and taxes
exchange_discount_totalDiscount on exchange items
exchange_tax_totalTax on exchange items
exchange_totalExchange total after taxes and discounts
exchange_credit_totalTotal exchange items value after discounts and taxes which is used by the customer
gift_cardAmount of store credit to be issued to the customer on a gift card
handling_feeHandling fee amount set in Loop admin
upsellAdditional amount paid by customer when exchange credit total is greater than return credit total
carrierName of carrier or N/A: carrier not yet assigned
tracking_numberThe tracking number provided by the carrier or N/A: tracking number not yet assigned
package_referenceThe value that identifies the physical package that the return is in regardless if it was returned via box & ship or a different return method.
label_statusStatus of the shipment according to EasyPost, N/A: no shipment status, pre_transit, in_transit, out_for_delivery, delivered, error, failure
label_updated_atDate and time ( ISO 8601 format) when the last status update occurred. N/A: label not yet updated
status_page_urlUrl to the return status page
destination_idLoop Destination ID
typeReturn type (e.g. standard, warranty)


Line item data reflects items being sent to Loop as part of the return.

Line items are provided in the return webhook in an array, if you need to know the quantity of items being returned you must iterate through the array and count the items.

line_item_idintegerLoop line item ID (for example, "123456789")
provider_line_item_idintegerShopify order line item ID (for example, "3847568374653883")
product_idintegerShopify product ID (for example, "1624622563417")
variant_idintegerShopify variant ID (for example, "14773475377241")
skustring || nullShopify variant SKU (for example, "FD-RL-2")
barcodestring || nullShopify barcode
titlestringShopify product title (for example, "Retro Laser - Big")
weight_in_gramsinteger || nullWeight of the line item (for example, "226")
priceintegerPrice paid by customer before discounts and tax (for example, "46.00")
discountintegerDiscount on item (for example, "0.00")
taxintegerTax on item (for example, "3.34")
refundintegerAmount refunded to customer for this item (for example, "0.00")
returned_atstringDate and time (ISO 8601 format) when the return was created in Loop (for example, "2019-04-01T12:00:00+00:00")
exchange_variantint || nullShopify variant ID for replacement product, if exchange
return_reasonstringReason for return as selected by the customer in Loop
provider_restock_location_idinteger || nullShopify location ID for line item restocking
is_in_store_returnbooleanTrue if the return is made in-store through the Loop Point of Sale application. False if return is made online through the returns portal
parent_return_reasonstring || nullParent reason for return as selected by the customer in Loop
return_commentstringReturn reason comment
outcomestringReturn outcomes (for example, "default", "keep", "donate", "reject")
"line_items": [
      "line_item_id": "123456789",
      "provider_line_item_id": "12149029339269",
      "product_id": "5107813056645",
      "variant_id": "34404555554949",
      "sku": "new-sku",
      "barcode": "barcode1234",
      "title": "A mug",
      "weight_in_grams": 5,
      "price": "35.38",
      "discount": "0.00",
      "tax": "2.65",
      "refund": "38.03",
      "returned_at": "2024-01-11 22:47:02",
      "exchange_variant": "",
      "return_reason": "I didn't like how the item looked",
      "provider_restock_location_id": null,
      "is_in_store_return": false,
      "parent_return_reason": "I didn't like the item",
      "return_comment": "N/A",
      "outcome": "default",


Exchanges data reflects product(s) being sent to a customer. This can be a result of an even exchange, replacements for returned items, or new purchases made through the app.

Exchanges are provided in the return webhook in an array, if you need to know the quantity of items being exchanged you must iterate through the array and count the items.

exchange_idLoop exchange ID
product_idShopify product ID
variant_idShopify variant ID
exchange_order_nameNew Shopify exchange order name
exchange_order_idNew Shopify exchange order id
skuShopify variant SKU
titleShopify product title
pricePrice of exchange item before discounts and tax
discountDiscount on exchange item
taxTax on exchange item
totalPrice of exchange item after discounts and tax



Amount of credit to be issued to the customer as a refund

refundsThe breakdown of refunds across payment gateways
gatewayThe payment gateway in which a refund was processed
amountThe refund amount issued to a gateway


If the return is not being sent back through boxing and shipping, this field describes the way in which the item is being returned. These are usually pick-up or drop-off options.

providerThe provider of the return method (e.g. happy-returns)
return_method_typepick-up or drop-off
addressIf the return method is a drop-off, this is the destination where it can be dropped off at
stateThe state of the return method at the current time, similar to label status (in_transit, new, etc)
rma_idThe ID of the return record in the related system
qr_code_urlIf the return method has a QR code, this is the link, otherwise null
scheduled_atIf this return method needs to be scheduled for pick up or drop off otherwise null
scannable_idThe identifier that can be scanned at the warehouse to connect to the return data


  "topic": "return",
  "trigger": "return.updated",
  "id": "12345",
  "shop_id": "9876",
  "state": "open",
  "created_at": "2019-04-01T12:00:00+00:00",
  "edited_at": "2019-04-01T12:00:00+00:00", // can also be null
  "order_id": "1234567890",
  "order_name": "#1234",
  "provider_order_id": "1029384756",
  "order_number": "234",
  "provider_order_number": "1234",
  "customer": "[email protected]",
  "customer_detail": [
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "first_name": "Mary",
    "middle_name": "Todd",
    "last_name": "Lincoln",
  "currency": "USD",
  "return_product_total": "46.00",
  "return_discount_total": "0.00",
  "return_tax_total": "3.34",
  "package_reference": "28735625627856237856287",
  "return_total": "49.34",
  "return_credit_total": "49.34",
  "exchange_product_total": "84.00",
  "exchange_discount_total": "10.00",
  "exchange_tax_total": "5.37",
  "exchange_total": "79.37",
  "exchange_credit_total": "49.34",
  "gift_card": "0.00",
  "handling_fee": "0.00",
  "refund": "0.00",
  "refunds": [
      "gateway": "your gateway",
      "amount": "0.00"
  "upsell": "30.03",
  "address": {
    "name": "First Last",
    "company": "Company Name",
    "address1": "123 Road",
    "address2": "apt 1",
    "city": "Anywhere",
    "state": "California",
    "zip": "11111",
    "country": "United States",
    "country_code": "US",
    "phone": ""
  "line_items": [
      "line_item_id": "123456789",
      "provider_line_item_id": "3847568374653883",
      "product_id": "1624622563417",
      "variant_id": "14773475377241",
      "sku": "FD-RL-2",
      "barcode": "",
      "title": "Retro Laser - Big",
      "price": "46.00",
      "discount": "0.00",
      "tax": "3.34",
      "refund": "0.00",
      "returned_at": "2019-04-01T12:00:00+00:00",
      "exchange_variant": "",
      "return_reason": "Reason here",
      "parent_return_reason": "Parent reason here",
      "outcome": "Line item outcome('default', 'keep', 'donate', 'reject')"
  "exchanges": [
      "exchange_id": "54320",
      "product_id": "1624622563418",
      "variant_id": "14773475377242",
      "sku": "FD-NC-1",
      "exchange_order_name": "#1234",
      "exchange_order_id": "1234",
      "title": "Noisy Cricket - Small",
      "price": "46.00",
      "discount": "5.48",
      "tax": "2.94",
      "total": "43.46",
      "out_of_stock": true, // true | false
      "out_of_stock_resolution": "credited" // credited | refunded | null
      "exchange_id": "54321",
      "product_id": "1624622563419",
      "variant_id": "14773475377243",
      "sku": "FD-RG-2",
      "exchange_order_name": "12345-1",
      "exchange_order_id": "13131313",
      "title": "Ray Gun - Medium",
      "price": "46.00",
      "discount": "5.48",
      "tax": "2.94",
      "total": "43.46",
      "out_of_stock": false,
      "out_of_stock_resolution": null
  "carrier": "USPS", // If no label exists, we pass "N/A"
  "tracking_number": "28735625627856237856287", // If no label exists, we pass "N/A"
  "label_status": "in_transit", // If no label exists, we pass "N/A"
  "label_updated_at": "2019-04-01T12:00:00+00:00", // If no label exists, we pass "N/A"
  "status_page_url": "",
  "destination_id": "2",
  "return_method": {  // If no return method exists, we pass null
    "provider": "happy-returns",
    "return_method_type": "drop-off",
    "scannable_id": null,
    "address": {
      "name": "Staples 0152",
      "company": null,
      "address1": "7881 Edinger Ave.Ste.130",
      "address2": "Bella Terra Mall",
      "city": "Huntington Beach",
      "state": "CA",
      "zip": "92647",
      "country": "United States of America",
      "country_code": "US",
      "phone": "",
      "latitude": 33.7313927,
      "longitude": -117.9910687
    "state": "new",
    "rma_id": "HRABC123",
    "qr_code_url": "",
    "scheduled_at": null
  "shipment_id": "fwe66545646",
  "type": "standard"