Detailed Returns List
Pull a detailed list of returns created within a given timeframe.
This endpoint supports pagination. We highly encourage using pagination for this endpoint.
Read the guide on paginating requests for details.
Note: If no datetimes are passed, the response defaults to only contain returns from the previous 24 hours. See Query Params below for more information.
Note: The maximum number of days in the range of the from and to properties is 120 days. If the number of days in this range exceeds 120 days, a validation error will be returned.
Note: If no state is passed, the response defaults to only contain open, closed, and expired returns. See Query Params below for more information.
Required API key scope
- Returns
Query Parameters
The start date and time for the returns list.
The end date and time for the returns list.
The date used to filter results.
, updated_at
The keywords used to filter the list to only include returns in a particular state.
Defaults to only contain open, closed, and expired returns.
, closed
, cancelled
, expired
, review
The unique identifier associated with the return.
The current state of the return.
The date and time at which the return was created, using the ISO 8601 date format.
The date and time at which the return was last updated, using the ISO 8601 date format.
The date and time at which the return was last edited, using the ISO 8601 date format.
The total cost of the return.
The outcome of the return as limited by the merchant and as selected by the customer.
, upsell
, refund
, credit
, exchange+refund
, exchange+credit
The Loop order identifier associated with the return.
The order name.
The Shopify order ID.
The order number.
The Shopify order number.
The customer's email address.
The country of the customer's shipping address.
"United States"
The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the customer's shipping address.
Whether the order was placed through Shopify Payments in some currency other than the default store currency.
The currency code of the store's default currency.
The gross value of the returning items before discounts and tax.
The total value of the discounts on the returning items.
The total value of the taxes on the returning items.
The net value of the returning items after discounts and tax.
The value of the returning items credited to the shopper after the refund has been issued.
The gross value of the exchange before discounts and tax.
The total value of discounts on the exchange.
The total value of the taxes on the exchange.
The net value of the exchanges after discounts and tax.
The value of the return credit used by the shopper.
The value of the gift card issued in the return.
The name of the gift card order issued in the return.
"Gift Card Name"
The unique identifier of the gift card issued in the return.
The handling fee charged by the merchant.
The amount refunded in the return.
The upsell amount associated with the return.
The carrier associated with the return.
The return's tracking number.
The status of the return shipping label.
The link to the shipping label details.
The shipping rate paid for the return label.
The link to the Loop return tracking status page associated with the return.
The date and time at which the label was last updated, using the ISO 8601 date format.
The unique identifier associated with the shipping destination of the return.
The data used to look up package data in WMS software.
The type of return submission.
, warranty